A super-soft cotton rug with fun geometric shapes

Rug Type:
  • Hand-tufted Rugs

    Pile rugs woven by pulling or shooting loops of yarn through a backing material, which are trimmed for a smooth cut-pile finish

  • New

    Recently woven and never used in a home

Main Color:
  • Orange
  • 100% cotton, OEKO-TEX certified
  • Size: 2'6"x7' runner
  • Medium pile: approximately 1/3" (8-9 mm)
  • We recommend you pair this piece with a rug pad for comfort and longevity
  • Color palette: cantaloupe, coral, cornflower blue, bone beige, tan
  • Slight variations in size due to handmade nature
The Collection

The absurdly soft Bon Bon rugs are hand-tufted, which allowed us to more easily make the kinds of shapes we wanted, and our design team had never seen tufted cotton that felt this lovely. Color palettes are drawn from vintage Southern California scenes—candy pinks and blues harken back to the fifties stucco, a combination of muted-fluorescent orange with sandy tan feels both bright and sun-faded. The prompt was, let's create fun, playful rugs for kids that grown-ups might steal for themselves. Everyone wants a nice treat.

The Design

Color development was tricky as we originally started with just natural colors, but they were mucky. So we livened up the palette, ultimately creating designs which work well with our vintage pieces while introducing a playful geometry. Calisson is named for the French almond sweet of a similar shape, but it also looks like a surfboard.

The Material

Cotton is a vegetable fiber widely used across rug traditions because of its sturdiness and longevity. Flexible and easy to clean, it has the ability to stay white over long periods of time, maintaining its crispness and vibrancy. Ours is exceptionally soft, as well as OEKO-TEX certified, which means it's sustainably produced and rigorously tested, guaranteeing it's free of harmful substances.

The Maker

Our partner is a small, family-run operation devoted to maintaining the integrity of the yarn they use. Wherever possible they prioritize the use of organic materials, and are committed to a high level of quality and craftsmanship.

The Designer

Our in-house, all-star design team works across Los Angeles, Istanbul, and Mumbai. Starting with the weave itself, they determine the collection material, technique, and mood. When designs are finalized, they conduct an extensive sampling process, perfecting each style and hue before it goes to production.

  • Rug pad recommended.
  • Vacuum regularly to prevent dust and crumbs from settling into the roots of the fibers.
  • Avoid direct and continuous exposure to sunlight. Use rug protectors under the legs of heavy furniture to avoid flattening the pile.
  • Do not pull loose ends, but trim with scissors to remove.
  • Rotate your rug occasionally to ensure even wear over time.
  • Remove spills immediately. Blot with clean, undyed (preferably cotton) cloth by pressing firmly around the spill to absorb as much as possible. Use all-natural cleaning products. For hard-to-remove stains, professional rug cleaning is recommended. Place in dry, well-ventilated areas. If you need to store your rug, roll it up and wrap it in cloth. Do not fold or put in an airtight plastic bag for an extended period.


Calisson Hand-tufted Rug

Natural Fiber

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